Eric Boehlke

An image of me feeding a goose along the Charles River.

Welcome to my website! I love robots and have documented several of my robotics projects under the robots link. I graduated from MIT in 2020 with a degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (6-2). In my free time I enjoy making robots, photography, making chainmail, going bowling, and feeding geese when I get the chance!

One of my favorite robotics projects is my full sized BB-8 droid from Star Wars. I started it during the summer of 2015 after I saw the trailer for The Force Awakens. Based on those few seconds of footage, my design has one robot inside the ball and one balancing on top to keep the head upright. In the summer of 2016, I made significant upgrades to the balancing code and motors.

My BB-8 is featured on Adafruit here and here,, and in the Make Magazine. I also have a page summarizing the project and a video on YouTube showing parts of the build process and demonstrating the balancing. There are some additional pictures in this album.